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Mary Peitso

What Is A 504 Plan?

A 504 Plan is derived from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is part of a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against public school students with disabilities. It insures that if a student has a disability that accommodations will be made for that student to level the playing field so that he or she may access the curriculum like other students do. Accommodations do not change the content of required work but they alter the academic setting or environment in some way. Typically accommodations are made on a case by case and individualized basis. Some examples of accommodations are:

Take a sensory break

Extended time on tests

Possible adapting of non-academic times such as recess, lunch and P.E.

Before or after school tutoring/homework assistance

Allow student to record lessons

Provide a copy of notes (either from teacher or another student)

Reduce paper/pencil tasks

Modify homework

Provide duplicate text books to keep at home

Staff training and education

Students with 504 Plans are usually educated in a general education classroom.

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